Domestic violence is an epidemic affecting individuals in every community, regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. Understanding what domestic violence is and the many ways it can show up in relationships is the first step to creating a culture that has zero tolerance for domestic violence. After all, how can you change what you can’t understand?
1 Stay engaged on policy issues important to you
Educate your community about the different kinds of abusive actions.
Keep it up for zero tolerance
Educate and share
Every six seconds a woman in the U.S. is hit, sexually assaulted, stalked and held against her will. The Covid-19 epidemic has contributed to an enormous increase of domestic violence leaving women and children more vulnerable,”
– Carlos Rodriguez, CEO of Total Protection Consultants.
Full-Service Detective Agency and Training Academy
Based in Chicago, Illinois, the VIC (Victims In Community) Unit of the Total Protection Consultants has experienced an uptick in calls this month as they serve those who are most in need. Law enforcement agents and security specialists help by removing women and children from unsafe environments and relocating them to a family member’s home or shelter. They also serve as a liaison in court for those who need evidence in domestic abuse cases.
You can play an important role in raising awareness about domestic violence and showing your support for victims and survivors. Acting with MEACO KONNECT provides you an opportunity to join the collective of conversations and actions about domestic violence.
Here’s 6 actions you can take today to begin!
Plug into resources provided by Meaco Konnect and NCADV. Sign up to receive emails and follow on your favorite social channel.
Learn more about domestic violence. According to CDC (Center for Disease Control) the leading cause of death among woman in the U.S. is being murdered at the hands of a domestic partner. Read the NCADV’s blog
It’s time to spread the word by sharing #NotSilent #Meacokonnected and writing a blog post
Use your knowledge and passion to connect with your legislative representatives!
Share yourself by speaking out on social media, volunteering locally and/or establishing an automated monthly giving.
Sample Social Media Posts to raise awareness about domestic violence
Share by speaking out on social media, Promote your passion for those who stand against
domestic violence. #NotSilent #MeacoKonnected
Share by speaking out on social media, Promote your passion for those who stand against
domestic violence. #NotSilent #MeacoKonnected
Share by speaking out on social media, Promote your passion for those who stand against
domestic violence. #NotSilent #MeacoKonnected
Share by speaking out on social media, Promote your passion for those who stand against
domestic violence. #NotSilent #MeacoKonnected
Share by speaking out on social media, Promote your passion for those who stand against
domestic violence. #MKFacts #MeacoKonnected
We are MEACO Konnect, defined as MAD (Making A Difference) Through Economically Advanced Communities and Organizations to include technology, healthcare and training that is nimble, ease-of-use, adaptable and customizable.